Otisco Lake Harvesting

Harvesting on Otisco Lake is one of the many ways we are working to reduce the appearance and effects of the invasive weeds in the lake. Harvesting plays a crucial role in the conservation and overall health of Otisco Lake. As a significant source of drinking water for nearby communities and a thriving ecosystem, maintaining its water quality is vital. Effective harvesting practices promote a balanced ecosystem and mitigate potential issues that could arise from excessive plant growth.
One key benefit of harvesting is the control of invasive aquatic vegetation, such as Eurasian watermilfoil and curly-leaf pondweed. These invasive species can rapidly propagate, outcompeting native plants and disrupting the lake's natural balance.

Through targeted harvesting, these plants are removed before they can overtake the lake, safeguarding native aquatic flora and fauna.


  • By reducing the density of aquatic plants, harvesting helps prevent the accumulation of excess organic matter. When plants decompose, they release nutrients into the water, leading to eutrophication. This process results in excessive algae growth, lowered dissolved oxygen levels, and an imbalanced ecosystem. Regular harvesting minimizes the organic load, thereby preserving water quality and promoting a healthier environment for fish and other organisms.

  • Additionally, harvesting aids in the management of nuisance algae blooms. Certain types of filamentous algae and cyanobacteria can thrive in nutrient-rich conditions, forming dense mats on the water's surface and impeding sunlight penetration. These blooms can harm fish populations, reduce dissolved oxygen levels, and affect recreational activities. Harvesting not only helps to remove these nuisance algae but also provides an opportunity for monitoring and early detection of harmful algal blooms, which are essential for public health and safety.

  • Another advantage of harvesting is its positive impact on recreational opportunities at Otisco Lake. By reducing excessive plant growth, boating, fishing, and swimming become more accessible and enjoyable. A well-managed lake also attracts tourists, supporting local businesses and enhancing the economic vitality of the region.
    It is important to note that harvesting must be approached with caution and expertise to avoid unintended consequences. An excessive removal of aquatic vegetation or using improper techniques can disrupt the ecological balance and even lead to accelerated nutrient release.